Recipe: Jacob's Cattle and Anasazi Bean Salad
This salad was developed for the Fallbrook To Table dinner sponsored by CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers) on October 17, 2015 at Kool Ranch. It featured produce from 15 North San Diego County organic farmers. Created by Chef Jesse Genovese and Bruce Hecker, our beans were featured in two dishes- Mole Braised Rio Del Rey Pinto Beans* and the above salad.
You are welcome to use the ingredients below to reconstruct this salad. The chef did not reveal all of his secrets- but let's say the salad was delightful. Let us know what you did to recreate the recipe.
Use a mixture of half and half- Cooked Jacob's Cattle and Anasazi beans
Prepare Organic lime and lemongrass dressing
Add cilantro, mint, macadamia nuts, oven dried tomatoes, caramelized custard apples.
You are welcome to use the ingredients below to reconstruct this salad. The chef did not reveal all of his secrets- but let's say the salad was delightful. Let us know what you did to recreate the recipe.
Use a mixture of half and half- Cooked Jacob's Cattle and Anasazi beans
Prepare Organic lime and lemongrass dressing
Add cilantro, mint, macadamia nuts, oven dried tomatoes, caramelized custard apples.