2014 Harvest

All the beans we produce are grown organically. In 2014, all of the beans were produced using no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. These beans were produced by using only water to sustain their growth.


This year we are introducing TEPARY BEANS.- Phaseolus acutifolius, is native to the Southwestern United States and Mexico and has been grown there by the native peoples since pre-Columbian times. It is more drought resistant than the common bean First grown in the Southwest during ancient times, Tepary beans (Phaseolus acutifolius) mature quickly and are tolerant of the low desert heat, drought and alkaline soils. They are among the most drought and heat tolerant crops in the world. Tepary beans are high in protein and contain soluble fiber helpful in controlling cholesterol and diabetes. Generally white Tepary beans have a slightly sweet flavor and brown Tepary beans have an earthy flavor. Tepary beans can be used in place of any standard dried bean. Soak the dried beans before cooking. These are some we grow:

Blue Speckled are tan beans with navy blue speckles. From highland areas of southern Mexico, this variety is a Mayan folkrace.
Paiute Yellow Ochre-colored traditional favorite from the Kaibab Indian Reservation in southern Utah.
San Ignacio White Tepary grown in a flood-plain field along with other late summer crops on the Rio Magdalena in northern Sonora. Collected from a Sonoran farmer who maintains a treasure trove of traditional crops in secluded "secret garden" orchard plots.
Tohono O'odham Brown Medium-sized tan-brown beans from the Tohono O'odham Reservation-south of Tucson, AZ.